

第一篇: 届中考英语模拟考试题



A、先避人后避物 B、先避物后避车 C、先避车后避人 D、先避物后避人


A、1年 B、2年 C、3年 D、4年


A、4小时 B、6小时 C、8小时 D、10小时


A、保持较大的安全距离 B、开启危险报警闪光灯 C、不断变换前照灯远近光 D、适时鸣喇叭提示前车


A、正确 B、错误


A、前后防雾灯、示廓灯和后位灯 B、前大灯、示廓灯和后位灯 C、危险报警闪光灯、示廓灯和后位灯 D、倒车灯、示廓灯和后位灯


A、直行和向右转弯 B、直行和向左转弯 C、禁止直行和向左转弯 D、只准向右和向左转弯


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、T型交叉路口 B、Y型交叉路口 C、十字交叉路口 D、环行交叉路口


A、山区道路 B、城市高架路 C、城市快速路 D、窄桥、弯道


A、气压不稳 B、气压更低 C、行驶阻力增大 D、爆胎


A、200米以外 B、150米以外 C、100米以内 D、50米以内


A、开启危险报警闪光灯 B、开启前后雾灯 C、开启近光灯 D、在车后设置警告标志


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、制动距离延长 B、抗滑能力变大 C、路面附着力变大 D、制动距离变短


A、未携带身份证 B、未放置检验合格标志 C、未放置城市环保标志 D、未携带机动车登记证书


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、减速靠右行驶 B、借非机动车道行驶 C、紧靠路边行驶 D、靠路中心行驶


A、两侧变窄 B、右侧变窄 C、左侧变窄 D、宽度变窄


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、缩短发动机使用寿命 B、驾驶人容易疲劳 C、容易造成机动车倾翻 D、制动器制动效果下降


A、机动车通行证 B、居民身份证 C、从业资格证 D、机动车行驶证


A、正确 B、错误


A、饮酒后驾驶机动车 B、使用其他车辆行驶证 C、车速超过规定时速50%以上 D、违法占用应急车道行驶


A、正在停车 B、减速让行 C、正常行驶 D、正在超车


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、禁止驶入 B、禁止通行 C、减速行驶 D、限时进入


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、禁止驶入路口 B、禁止向右转弯 C、禁止车辆掉头 D、禁止变更车道


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、开启前照灯低速行驶 B、开启雾灯低速行驶 C、选择安全地点停车 D、紧靠路边低速行驶


A、违法登记制度 B、奖励里程制度 C、累积记分制度 D、强制报废制度


A、正确 B、错误


A、饮酒后 B、喝茶后 C、喝咖啡后 D、喝牛奶后


A、正确 B、错误


A、什么也不用检查 B、轮胎有没有清洗 C、备胎在什么位置 D、轮胎的紧固和气压


A、正确 B、错误


A、前后防雾灯、示廓灯和后位灯 B、倒车灯、示廓灯和后位灯 C、前大灯、示廓灯和后位灯 D、危险报警闪光灯、示廓灯和后位灯


A、40米减速行驶路段 B、最低时速40公里 C、解除时速40公里限制 D、最高时速40公里


A、正确 B、错误


A、适当减速通过 B、空挡滑行通过 C、停车确认安全后通过 D、加速尽快通过


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、工作证 B、驾驶证 C、身份证 D、职业资格证


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、变换远、近光灯 B、开启雾灯 C、开启远光灯 D、关闭前大灯


A、正确 B、错误


A、2年以下 B、3年以下 C、7年以下 D、7年以上


A、迅速转动转向把 B、双手紧握转向把 C、迅速向相反方向转动转向把 D、迅速采取制动措施


A、挂入空挡滑行 B、踏下离合器滑行 C、利用发动机制动 D、持续踏制动踏板


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、禁止在路口掉头 B、禁止向左向右变道 C、禁止车辆直行 D、禁止向左向右转弯


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、人行横道 B、注意行人 C、注意儿童 D、学校区域


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、超载大型货车 B、大型客车 C、执行任务的救护车 D、小型货车


A、正确 B、错误


A、禁止直行和向左转弯 B、禁止直行和向左变道 C、允许直行和向左变道 D、禁止直行和向右转弯


A、正确 B、错误


A、堤坝路 B、上陡坡 C、下陡坡 D、连续上坡


A、正在停车 B、减速让行 C、正在掉头 D、正常行驶


A、N型弯路 B、急转弯路 C、反向弯路 D、连续弯路


A、急剧增大 B、逐渐增大 C、急剧减小 D、没有变化


A、不准让行 B、会车让行 C、停车让行 D、减速让行


A、3个月 B、6个月 C、12个月 D、24个月


A、向左急转弯 B、向右急转弯 C、向右绕行 D、连续弯路


A、2分 B、3分 C、6分 D、12分


A、同时使用前后制动 B、先使用前轮制动 C、先使用后轮制动 D、不能过早使用前制动


A、正确 B、错误


A、N型弯路 B、急转弯路 C、反向弯路 D、连续弯路


A、处20元以上200元以下罚款 B、取消申领驾驶证资格 C、1年内不得再次申领驾驶证 D、2年内不能再次申领驾驶证


A、6个月 B、12个月 C、3个月 D、2年


A、小型车车道 B、小型车专用车道 C、机动车车道 D、多乘员车辆专用车道


A、关闭所有灯光 B、开启近光灯 C、关闭前照灯 D、开启远光灯


A、在车速下降前减挡 B、在车速下降后减挡 C、在车速过低时减挡 D、尽量使用越级减挡


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、双手可以临时离开转向把 B、可以随意操作转向把 C、严禁双手同时离开转向把 D、严禁原地转动转向把


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误


A、正确 B、错误

第二篇: 届中考英语模拟考试题

第一卷 (选择题:共85分)


一、 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分为15分)

1.----How was the movie you saw yesterday?

----I have no idea. By the time I got to the movie theatre, the movie ______.

A. has already finished B. have finished yet C. had already finished

2. Great changes ______ in our hometown in the past ten years.

A. have taken place B. have been taken place C. were taken place

3.As China grows stronger and stronger, Chinese ______ in more and more schools out of our country.

A. teaches B. is taught C. has taught D. was taught

4.―Have you ever visited Germany?

―____________. But I expect to go there again.

A.Perhaps B.No, I haven’t C.I don’t know D.Yes, I have

5.--Will you please stay here a little longer?

---Sorry, I . I eat dinner with my mother. She’s coming.

A.mustn’t; will have to B.don’t; have to

C.can’t; had to D.can’t; will have to

6.―Why weren’t you at the meeting?

―I for a call from my husband in Guangdong.

A.waited B.had waited C.was waiting D.will wait

7.―When _______ this stone bridge______ ?

―In 1935.

A.did; build B.was; built

C.does; build D.is; built

8.Thanks to the new policy, a new modern school in our village last year.

A. was built B. is built C. built D. will built

9.―_____ the population of the U.S.A. in ?

―It _____ about 296 million.

A. What is; is B. What was; was C. How many was; was D. How much is; is

10.― The paper says Iron Man 3 is on this evening. Let’s go and see it.

― But I ________it.

A.see B.saw C.have seen D.will see

11.―Peter said that he would come over to have dinner with you tonight.

―But I think he . I have been alone for an hour.

A.didn"t B.won"t C.hasn"t D.doesn"t

12. --How did the accident happen?

---You know, it ________difficult to see the road clearly because it_________.

A.was; was raining B.is; has rained

C.is; is raining D.will be; will rain

13. He has a son who ______ football very well.

A.play B.playing C.plays D.played

14. Oh, you have come back! I ______ I could see you again in such a short time.

A.haven"t thought B. didn"t expect C. don"t expect D. haven"t been told

15. A: When do you think ______?

B: About half past five. I will pick him up at the airport.

A. he will come B. will he come C. did he come D. he came



Rudi Matt lived in a small village in the Swiss Alps in 1865. What he wanted most in the world was to

climb the highest peak (峰) in the Alps. Rudi"s mother and his uncle, Franz, a mountain guide, wanted him to

stop 16 and start working in a hotel. Rudi would not 17 his dream and secretly got in touch with an

English mountain climber 18 was planning to climb the highest peak.

Franz was very angry when he found out what Rudi had done, but he finally agreed to let Rudi go if he went climbing, 19 . Franz also didn"t want to see Emil Saxo(萨克索), a guide from another village, got to the top

20 him.

Rudi turned out to be a very good climber, 21 as they got close to the top, the Englishman got sick

and could go no farther. Franz stayed behind to take care of him, but Saxo continued, wishing to be the 22 to the top. Rudi went after Saxo, hoping to beat him to the top. When they met, Saxo fought with Rudi and fell

down by accident. Saxo was helpless and hurt. Rudi must 23 whether to carry Saxo back down to safety or to continue alone to the top.

He decided Saxo"s life was more 24 than his dream and helped him down. During that time, the English

man and Franz 25 the climb, and finally they reached the top. Later, when they returned to the village, they told people that Rudi was the real conqueror (征服者) of the mountain.

( )16. A. learning B. playing C. climbing D. talking

( )17. A. try out B. give up C. go over D. work out

( )18. A. what B. which C. whom D. who

( )19. A. again B. too C. once D. instead

( )20. A. after B. behind C. before D. over

( )21. A. but B. so C. or D. for

( )22. A. first B. second C. third D. last

( )23. A. wonder B. remember C. ask D. decide

( )24. A. important B. successful C. popular D. interesting

( )25. A. stopped B. continued C. enjoyed D. finished

第三篇: 届中考英语模拟考试题



1.—Is there a watermelon on the table?


A.Yes,there is. B.Yes,it is.

C.No,there is. D.No,it isn"t.

2.—This problem is far __A__ me.I"m afraid I can"t work it out.

—Don"t worry,we will help you.

A.beyond B.beside C.behind D.between

3.It is necessary __D__ us to help our friends out when they meet difficulties.

A.to B.of C.with D.for

4.__C__ bad weather it is!We can"t go out for a walk.

A.What a B.How a C.What D.How

5.Vivi told me that __C__ students in her class joined the league yesterday.

A.another one B.more three

C.three more D.three another

6.He ran to the bus stop quickly __A__ catch the last bus.

A.in order to B.so that

C.as soon as D.in order that

7.—What would you like to drink?

—I"m very thirsty.__C__ you can get.Just get it now.

A.Something B.Nothing

C.Anything D.Other things

8.—It"s __C__ outside.

—Yeah!Let"s go out and make a snowman.

A.cloudy B.rainy C.snowy D.windy

9.You don"t need to pay for them because they"re__A__today.

A.free B.true C.busy D.clean

10.—Boys and girls!Please __B__ your compositions after class.

—Oh,my God!I ________ it at home.

A.hand in,forgot B.hand in,left

C.hand out,forgot D.hand out,left


I"ve lived with my parents in China for three months. I like the people here,but the food isn"t simply a meat. It"s something a challenge. When I sit down in a __11__,I often fail to order the right food and use __12__ correctly. I"ll never __13__ the most embarrassing(尴尬的)experience that we had last month. Father and I went into a(n) __14__ restaurant as we saw so many people eating there,and we thought it must be a __15__ restaurant to visit. We had the most difficult time ordering our meal because there were so many choices and not every dish had a picture on the menu. Ordering food became a guessing game.__16__,the waiters were very __17__. It took three of them 15 minutes to take our order for __18__. I simply wanted water,but my father wanted to try one of the fresh juices listed on the menu. There were two problems,however. There were __19__ pictures nor English on the menu. Finally,__20__ just ordered a Coca Cola. During the __21__ noodles slipped through my chopsticks onto the table lots of times. Once I tried to __22__ up a dumpling for my father,but I __23__ it on his shorts. We both looked at it __24__ it fell to the floor. I looked behind me and people were __25__ about my chopstick skills.

11.A.classroom B.restaurant

C.school D.back

12.A.forks B.spoons

C.knives D.chopsticks

13.A.forget B.remember C.think D.want

14.A.empty B.peaceful C.quiet D.crowded

15.A.bad B.good C.small D.big

16.A.Suddenly B.Finally C.Luckily D.Probably

17.A.honest B.patient C.proud D.brave

18.A.dessert B.fruit

C.drinks D.vegetables

19.A.both B.either C.only D.neither

20.A.he B.she C.I D.they

21.A.discussion B.meeting

C.interview D.meal

22.A.pick B.get C.put D.wake

23.A.ate B.dropped C.prepared D.took

24.A.so B.because C.as D.but

25.A.laughing B.thinking

C.arguing D.learning


There are many different kinds of disasters around the world.As an adult you know what to do during a disaster,but what about the children?Some adults think it would probably never happen to them,so they don"t teach their children what to do.Before it"s too late,here are ways to help you prepare your child for a disaster:

Educate:It is always good to let your child know about possible disasters.This doesn"t mean children have to live in fear.When teaching them about disasters,keep the conversation positive(积极的)by telling them there is a solution(解决办法)to the disaster.Keep the conversations short,allow for questions and answer honestly.

Prepare:Always be prepared,that is the best advice for children.For example,when preparing for bad weather,get the tools you need,like candles,radios,food,water and medicine.Teach your child what is needed in certain disasters so that they know what is available for them,if ever needed.

Plan:You should always have a plan for you and your child for any dangerous situation.Write out a simple list that they can read.The plan could start with “listen to an adult"s advice and/or call 119”.

Practice:Once you have got the correct safety tools and worked out the right plan,practice every few months.Practicing what to do during a disaster with your child will help them if the time comes.

Disasters can"t be avoided but they can be lessened(减轻)once you are prepared and ready for one.

26.What does the word “disaster” mean?

A.命运 B.灾难


27.What should adults teach children?

A.When disasters will happen.

B.Why disasters are dangerous.

C.What to do for a disaster.

D.How to avoid a disaster.

28.What is the correct thing to do for adults?

A.Have positive conversations with children.

B.Try not to talk about disasters with children.

C.Make the children scared of disasters.

D.Ask children lots of questions.

29.What"s the most important thing for children?

A.Always ask adults for help.

B.Always be prepared for a disaster.

C.Always listen to an adult"s advice.

D.Always remember where the tools are.

30.What is NOT suggested doing?

A.Remembering what is needed in certain disasters.

B.Getting the children to know the plan well.

C.Helping people in disaster areas.

D.Getting radios for bad weather.


31.—Can you help me with my math?

—No problem(问题).

32.If you try your best,you can work it out easily(容易的`).

33.I want another(另外的) ten people to help me.

34.She likes eating potatoes(土豆) very much.

35.How lovely/cute(可爱的) your pet dog is!


36.She is from Canada.She speaks Canadian English.

37.Mike is an excellent boy,he is one of the best students in my class.

38.Have you ever heard from your pen pal?

39.Shopping online is popular with young people.

40.If you are very hungry,you can go to the restaurant near here.






One possible version:

I have a plan for the party that divides into three parts.They"re Picture show,Talent show and Senior high message.

Part 1.Picture show

We bring some photos taken with our teachers or classmates and describe the photos with a good story about our school lives.

Part 2.Talent show

We can share our hobbies with our classmates.We can show what we can do in music,art or sport.We can also show other special abilities like playing magic and so on.

Part 3.Senior high message

Each of us prepares a big card,and then writes down a message for senior high on the card for each other.So everyone can exchange the best wishes with his or her classmates.

In this party,all of us can share our wonderful experience in the past three years.We can present what they"ve learnt and how much progress we"ve made,too.And finally we may look forward to the future with lots of encouragement or advice.

第四篇: 届中考英语模拟考试题


SectionⅠ Use of English

Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.( 10 points )

Health implies more than physical fitness. It also implies mental and emotional well-being. An angry, frustrated, emotionally 1 person in good physical condition is not 2 healthy. Mental health, therefore, has much to do 3 how a person copes with the world as she/he exists. Many of the factors that 4 physical health also affect mental and emotional well-being.

Having a good self-image means that people have positive 5 pictures and good, positive feelings about themselves, about what they are capable 6 , and about the roles they play. People with good self-images like themselves, and they are 7 like others. Having a good self-image is based 8 a realistic 9 of one"s own worth and value and capabilities.

Stress is an unavoidable, necessary, and potentially healthful 10 of our society. People of all ages 11 stress. Children begin to 12 stress during prenatal development and during childbirth. Examples of stress inducing 13 in the life of a young person are death of a pet, pressure to 14 academically, the divorce of parents, or joining a new youth group. The different ways in which individuals 15 to stress may bring healthful or unhealthy results. One person experiencing a great deal of stress may function exceptionally well 16 another may be unable to function at all. If stressful situations are continually encountered, the individual"s physical, social, and mental health are eventually affected.

Satisfying social relations are vital to 17 mental and emotional health. It is believed that in order to 18 , develop, and maintain effective and fulfilling social relationships people must 19 the ability to know and trust each other, understand each other, influence, and help each other. They must also be capable of 20 conflicts in a constructive way.

1. A. unstable B. unsure C. imprecise D. impractical

2. A. normally B. generally C. virtually D. necessarily

3. A. on B. at C. to D. with

4. A. signify B. influence C. predict D. mark

5. A. intellectual B. sensual C. spiritual D. mental

6. A. to be doing B. with doing C. to do D. of doing

7. A. able better to B. able to better C. better to able D. better able to

8. A. on B. from C. at D. about

9. A. assessment B. decision C. determination D. assistance

10. A. ideality B. realization C. realism D. reality

11. A. occur B. engage C. confront D. encounter

12. A. tolerate B. sustain C. experience D. undertake

13. A. evidence B. accidents C. adventures D. events

14. A. acquire B. achieve C. obtain D. fulfill

15. A. respond B. return C. retort D. reply

16. A. why B. when C. while D. where

17. A. sound B. all瞨ound C. entire D. whole

18. A. illuminate B. enunciate C. enumerate D. initiate

19. A. access B. assess C. process D. possess

20. A. resolving B. saluting C. resolving D. solving

SectionⅡ Reading Comprehension

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D盡ark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1保40 points)

Text 1

As we have seen in earlier chapters, the American definition of success is largely one of acquiring wealth and a higher material standard of living. It is not surprising, therefore, that Americans have valued education for its monetary value. The belief is wide spread in the United Statesthat the more schooling people have, the more money they will earn when they leave school. The belief is strongest regarding the desirability of an undergraduate university degree, or a professional degree such as medicine or law following the undergraduate degree. The money value of graduate degrees in “nonprofessional” fields such as art, history, or philosophy is not as great.

This belief in the monetary value of education is supported by statistics on income. Ben Wattenberg, a social scientist, estimated that in the course of a lifetime a man with a college degree in 1972 would earn about¥380 000 more than a man with just a high school diploma. Perhaps this helps to explain survey findings which showed that Americans who wished they had led their lives differently in some way regretted most of all that they did not get more education.

The regret is shared by those who have made it to the top and by those who have not. Journalist Richard Reeves quotes a black worker in a Ford automobile factory.

When I was in the ninth grade, I was getting bad grades and messing around. My father came home in the kitchen one night with a pair of Ford work pants and he threw them in my fac” “Put these on,” he said, “because you"re going to be wearing them the rest of your life if you don"t get an education.”

Douglas Fraser, the president of the United Auto Workers Union, regretted not finishing high school so much that he occasionally lied about it. He told Richard Reeves about his pride in graduating from high school, but then a few minutes later he said:

I wasn"t telling the truth about high school. I never finished. I quit in the twelfth grade to take a job…It"s funny after all these years, I still lie about it. Because the fact is, I still think it was a stupid thing to do. I should have finished my education.

Even a man like Fr

第五篇: 届中考英语模拟考试题

第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



To win an Oscar is an achievement at any age.To do so at 22,as Jennifer Lawrence has,is just amazing.Recently,the American star won Best Actress at this year’s Academy Awards for her role in the film The Silver Linings Playbook.According to Time magazine’s Richard Corliss,Lawrence is that rare young actres s who“lends a mature intelligence to any ro1e”.Though Lawrence has found great success through her big screen work,Lawrence wasn"t sure what she really liked doing before the ageof l4.She thought she’d go to college and may be find a career as a doctor or a travel agent.

Lawrence’s two brothers were star athletes and one of them was a straight-A student.Unlike them,she suffered through school,never quite finding where she belonged.However,during a trip to New York,Lawrence suddenly realized that she wanted to be an actress.When she was enjoying the beautiful city,a model seeker asked if he could take her picture,and the next day he called her in for an audition(试镜).

“I read the script(剧本)and it was the first time I had that feeling like I understand this,”Lawrence said.“Within 20 minutes,in the cab ride from the hotel room,I decided I didn’t want to be a model.In fact, I wanted to be an actress.”Having appreciated this young lady’s performance,the agency was so impressed with her reading that they signed her on the spot.But she insisted on finishing high school so she could give her full attention to her acting career.

Lawrence burst onto the Hollywood scene last year with The Hunger Games,which established her as the highest-grossing(票房最高的)female action hero of all time.Rolling Stone called her “the most talented young actress in America”.

61.What can we know about Jennifer Lawrence from Paragraph 3?

A.Her parents were really strict with her.

B.She seemed not to fit in with her school days well.

C.Her school performance made her today"s fame.

D.Her two brothers were doing well in all school subjects.

62.Lawrence made up her mind to be all actress because of

A.a model interview

B. her brothers’examples

C.the taxi-ride to her hotel room

D. the beautiful scenery of New York

63.From the text we can know that Lawrence is an actress of great ____________.

A.confidence B.ambition C.independence D.talent

64.What is the best title of the text?

A.Choosing Early B.Acting Wisely

C.Winning Young D.Following Dreams


CHICAGO(Reuters)-Smoking not only can wrinkle(皱纹)the face and turn it yellow―it can do the same to the whole body,researchers reported on Monday.

The study,published in the Archives of Dermatology,shows that smoking affects the skin all over the body-even skin protected from the sun.

“We examined non-facial skin that was protected from the sun,and found that the total number of packs,of cigarette smoked per day and the total years a person has smoked were linked with the amount of skin damage a person experienced,”Dr.Yolanda,who led the study,said in a statement.

“In participants older than 65 years,smokers had significantly more fine wrinkling than nonsmokers.Similar fmdings were seen in participants aged 45 to 65 years.” Yolanda’s team added in their report.

The researchers tested 82 people,smokers and nonsmokers,taking pictures of the inner right arms.They ranged,in age from 22 to 91 and half were smokers.In dependent judges decided how wrinkled each person’s skin was.

When skin is exposed to sunlight,especially the face,it becomes coarse(粗糙的).Wrinkled and discolored with a pale yellow tint,Yolanda"s team wrote.

Several previous studies have found that cigarette smoking led to premature(过早的)skin aging asmeasured by facial wrinkles,the study said,but little has been done to measure the aging of skin not exposed to light.

The report did not discuss die mechanism involved but previous research has found that cigarette smoke,among other things,causes blood vessels(血管)beneath the skin to constrict(紧缩),reducing blood supply to the skin.

Smoking can also damage the connective tissue(组织)that supports both die skin and the internal organs.

65. The best title for this passage would be ______________.

A. The danger of smoking B.Smoking causes skin aging

C.Quit smoking for health D.A survey of smokers

66.It can be inferred from the study _____________.

A.smoking won’t affect skin protected from the sun

B.smoking will do damage to skin rather than other organs

C.smokers over 65 usually won’t worry about their skin

D.the age of smokers is not connected,with the result of the test

67. When your skin is exposed to sunlight long,it becomes all of the following but _________.

A.flexible B.coarse C.rough D.discolored

68. According to the passage,how wrinkled a person’s skin is doesn’t relate to ___________.

A.the number of cigarettes a person smokes

B.the kind and characteristics of skin

C.how long a person smokes

D.how long skin is under sunlight

69.From the passage smoking results in skin aging mainly because ____________.

A.it will lower blood supply to skin B.it can make you feel tired

C.it can make skin come off D. it can make blood run faster

70.The main purpose of the passage is to ____________.

A.inform people about the study of skin.

B.advise people how to protect skin

C. warn people not to smoke again

D.introduce a new way of avoid skin aging


The day my husband fell to his death,it started to snow,just like any November day.His body,when I found it,was lightly covered with snow.It snowed almost every day for the next four months,while I sat on the couch and watched it pile up.One morning,I shuffled downstairs and was surprised to see a snow remover clearing my driveway and the bent back of a woman shoveling(铲)my walk.I dropped to my knees,crawled through the living room.And back up stairs so those good people would not see me.I was embarrassed.My first thought was,how would I ever repay them? I didn’t have the strength to brush my hair let alone shovel someone’s walk.

Before John’s death,I took pride in the fact that I rarely asked for help or favors,I defined myself by my competence and independence.So who was I if I was no longer capable and busy? How could I respect myself if all I did was sit on the couch every day and watch the snowfall?

Learning how to receive the love and support that came my way wasn"t easy.Friends cooked forme and l cried because I couldn"t even help them set the table.“I"m not usually this lazy,”I wept.Finally,my friend Kathy sat down with me and said,“Mary,cooking for you is not a burden. I love you and I want to do it.It makes me feel good to be able to do something for you.”

Over and over,I heard similar emotions from the people who supported me during those dark days.One very wise man told me,“You are not doing nothing.Being fully open to your sorrow may be the hardest work you will everdo.”

I am not the person I once was,but in many ways I have changed for the better.My heart is now filled with thanks for people around me.I have been surprised to learn that there is incredible freedom that comes from facing one’s worst fear and walking away whole.I believe there is strength,for sure,in accepting a dark period of our life.

71.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.The writer’s friend was unwilling to cook for her.

B.The writer had been busy with her life before.

C.The writer recovered from her sorrow quickly with his friend‘s help.

D.The day her husband died,it was snowing heavily.

72.We can describe the writer before her husband died as the following except ___________.

A.hard-working B.independent C.smart D. capable

73.The underlined word“shuffled”in Para graph 1 probably means ___________.

A.stepped steadily B. walked slowly

C.ran swiftly D.fell sadly

74.We can infer from the passage that ____________.

A. the writer found her husband immediately he fell off the roof

B.the writer became strong-willed immediately after John"s death

C.the people around the writer were friendly and supported her

D.before John’s death,the writer never asked others for help

75.The writer wrote the passage to ___________.

A.share her sad story with us

B.express her guilty conscience to the people who helped her

C.show her thanks to the people who love and support her

D.tell us the changes she has made because of her husband’s death

第六篇: 届中考英语模拟考试题





B: I think I need a pair of sports shoes.

A: 2_______________________________.

B: For my son. He wears size ten.

A: 3________________________________.

B: Do you have other colors? Black isn‘t his color.

A: 4_________________________________.

B: OK. He likes the color brown. How much is it?

A: 5___________________________________.

B: Forty dollars? That’s a bit expensive. But I‘ll take it.


In England, people don’t usually talk much. You can go on a bus, or a train, and everyone sits looking out of the window. Often they read. They read books and papers, but they don‘t talk much. When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing---the weather. So when you meet somebody in England, you can say, Nice weather for the time of year!

But it was a little cold yesterday. Somebody may answer, But it got a bit warmer later. You can say.

Talk like this and the English will think, How friendly you are!

) 1. English people often _____ on a bus.

A. talk much

B.talk little

C.eat something

D.read papers

) 2. When you meet English people, you can talk like this _____.

A. how do you do

B. how are you

C. Nice weather

D.Nice to meet you

) 3. If you talk with the English people about the weather, they will think _____.

A.you are friendly

B.you are right

C. you are English

D.you talk too much

) 4. English people always hope the weather will get _____.





) 5. Which is right?

A. English people like to talk on a bus.

B. English people didn’t enjoy the best weather

C. English people are the most friendly

D. English people don‘t talk much.



1. What can I do for you?/ May I help you?

2. Who do you want to buy them for?

3. Would you like this black one?

4. How about the brown one?

5. Forty dollars.

引用石头爸的评述,第一道题若是出成单项那么难度最低,但是出成填空则难度最高。本题难度其实属于中上。每一句的判断依据其实只要看下一句即可,就基本上是看下句,填上句是比较好判断的一种。重点是要看第二句判断出这段对话时在商店等场所常用的买卖用语。所以第一句应该是what can I do for you?或是May I help you?接下来的四句话都是根据下文回答来写句子即可。



3. 句子不符合英语习惯或不够礼貌。比如说如果第一句说:What do you need?就很有可能被判为错误。

二、 阅读理解

1. D 解析:本题从第一句就可得出答案

2. C 解析:其实四个选项都是对的,但是出现在阅读完形中就应该根据文中的提示选最符合的`选项。文中说到,英国人喜欢讨论天气,所以应该选C。

3. A 解析:本题从文章最后一句可以得出答案。

4. A 解析:文中第二段中只是给出一个讨论天气的例子。在cold的天气里人们希望天气warmer一点,问题中问的是人们通常希望怎么样,应该选泛一点的选项,所以选better.

5. D 解析:本题从第一句可以得到答案。
