


  Unit 1 He left school and began work at the age of twelve.

  I. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。

  1. His sister was born in D_____ 2001.

  2. Did you r_____ to school when you were a girl?

  3. Children’s Dai is on J _____ 1.

  4. I v_____ my grandpa last Sunday.

  5. —Did you t_____ by car? —No, I didn’t.

  II. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。

  1. When he was at home, he _____ (study) computer science.

  2. ―Who _____ (push) the door? ―Mary did.

  3. He _____ (not watch) TV last night.

  4. He _____ (join) the piano club in November, 2005.

  5. ____ he _____ (like) to swim when he was in the primary school.

  III. 汉译英。(每空一词)

  1. 他出生于1997年5月。

  He ____ born _____ May 1997.

  2. 我昨晚听收音机了。

  I _____ _____ the radio last night.

  3. 去年在海滩上你有一所房子吗?

  Did you have a house _____ ______ ______ last year?

  4. —你什么时候遇见你的朋友的?—上周。

  ―_____ did you _____ your friend? ―Last Week.

  5. 在八月我们乘飞机游览了上海。

  We _____ Shanghai ____ plane in August.

  Unit 2 He decided to be an actor.

  I. 短语翻译。

  1. 在十四岁时 _________________ 2. 加入一个剧团 ________________

  3. 开始写戏剧 _________________ 4. 毕业 _________________

  5. 擅长…… _____________

  II. 单项选择。

  1. ―How ______ you go to Shanghai last week?

  ― By plane.

  A. do B. did C. was D. were

  2. He decided to _____ a writer when he finished school.

  A. be B. make C. find D. change

  3. ―Who sang the song?

  ―S.H.E. _________.

  A. do B. was C. does D. did

  4. He ______ carefully, but he _____ nothing.

  A. heard, listened B. listened to, heard

  C. heard, listened to D. listened, heard

  5. ―_____ you start writing plays?

  ― At twenty.

  A. When do B. What time are C. When are D. When did

  III. 单句改错。

  1. He didn’t liked the TV play.

  A B C D

  2. Where was she go last night?

  A B C D

  3. The manager decided stopped the plan at last.

  A B C D

  4. What do you like Chinese food?

  A B C D

  5. Lu Xun was one of the most famous writer in China.

  A B C D

  Unit 3 Language in use

  I. 根据句意及汉语提示,完成句子。

  1. The man ______ (与……结婚) a beautiful girl last month.

  2. His family _______ (搬到) to a new house last year.

  3. I want to_____ (参加) the football club this holiday.

  4. My brother works in a big _______ (公司).

  5. It _____ (下雪) last night and there is some snow on the ground now.

  II. 从方框中选择动词,并用其适当形式填空。

  study, like, begin, enjoy, hurry

  1. He _____Shakespeare’s plays very much.

  2. They _____ going shopping when they were free.

  3. Where ____you ____in 2004?

  4. The singer’s concert _____ at 7:00 tomorrow.

  5. When he heard the bell, he ____ to open the door.

  III. 汉译英。(每空一词)

  1. 五月是旅游的好月份。

  _____ is a good month for _____.

  2. 你做完作业后可以离开。

  You can _____ ______ after finishing your homework.

  3. 当他长大后想成为一名歌手。

  He wants to _____ a singer _____ he grows up.

  4. 你愿意参加我们的晚会吗?

  Would you like to _____ _____ our party?

  5. 昨晚雪下的很大。

  It _____ ______ last night.

  IV. 根据图画提示,完成短文中所缺的单词。

  图一 (一位教师在上课)

  图二 (一个男孩去上学)

  图三 (一个男孩在踢足球)

  图四 (一张家庭照,中间里是一个女孩)

  My Uncle

  My uncle is 37 years old. He is a (1) _____. He was born in 1972. He started to go to (2) ____ when he was

  eight years old. He liked played (3) ______ when he was at school. He got his job when he was 22 years

  old. He liked his job very much. He got (4)____ when he was 25 years old, he has a (5) _____. He has a

  happy family.

  Module 9单元随堂练习参考答案

  Unit 1 He left school and began work at the age of twelve.

  I. 1. December 2. ride 3. June 4. visited 5. travel

  II. 1. studied 2. pushed 3. didn’t watch 4. joined 5. Did, like

  III. 1. was, in 2. listened to 3. on the beach 4. When, meet 5. travelled, by

  Unit 2 He decided to be an actor.

  I. 1. at the age of fourteen 2. join a theatre company 3. start writing plays

  4. finish school 5. be good at

  II. 1—5 BADDD

  III. 1. B。liked → like 2. B。was → did 3. B。stopped → to stop

  4. A。What → How 5. D。writer → writers

  Unit 3 Language in use

  I. 1. married 2. moved 3. join 4. company 5. snowed

  II. 1. enjoyed 2. liked 3. did, study 4. will begin 5. hurried

  III. 1. May, travelling 2. go away 3. be, when 4. join in 5. snowed heavily

  IV. 1. teacher 2. school 3. football 4. married 5. daughter

2015仁爱九年级英语期末复习选择题 仁爱九年级上册期末复习 善良魅力的格言 天地以生物为心人心以仁爱为本 张孝仁爱宽容阅读答案 张孝基仁爱文言文答案 张孝基仁爱文言文翻译 张孝基仁爱阅读答案 张孝基仁爱 于丹论语解读 仁爱之心是一泓…… 彰显辅仁情怀 打造仁爱课堂 阅读答案:张孝基仁爱 围绕广场该不该修建这一问题,你认为市政府应该怎样进行决策 仁爱英语九年级上册知识点归纳 关于仁爱的名言警句 八年级下册仁爱英语同步答案 英语同步练习册 七年级下 仁爱 仁爱英语同步练习册八年级下册答案 七年级英语帮扶过程 小学英语教师家长会发言稿 没有规矩,不成方圆。 my mother 最难忘的一段经历 韩语短文对话 我的寒假 我明白了 九年级英语学科小结 初中教师个人述职 美丽的秋天短文 my weekend pian 酒店前厅部表扬词 工商银行守库监控中心社会化管理的利与弊 小学数学学期教学反思 小学英语教师工作述职 校本研修成果 趣味知识竞赛题库 -1.你是LiMing,是一名非常优秀的学生,学习非常刻苦,英语数学成绩突出;乐于助人;有许多爱好,喜欢打篮球,踢足球、听音乐、绘画、集邮等,在家里经常... 2015全国统一考试英语2 2014年全国各地高考模拟卷 2014年用下面的短语组成 2014人教版七年级英语下册知识点归纳 2012滨海新区五校联考英语 2014.吉林高考复习检测博士学位 2014年高考新课标2英语语法填空 2014全国统一考试英语湖北卷完型 2015初三政治知识点 15年46级英语词汇 lastspring完形填空翻译

