


  孤王独饮 Lone King alone drink

  Hold you in your arms 拥你入怀

  是情终嬒伤 Is final Wai injury

  牵绊至白首。Hold to the elderly.

  不如沉默It is better to silence

  易缕阳光 Easy ray of sunshine

  Stop the drunken cup.酒醉停杯.

  凉北离歌 The cold North Song.

  忘年祭陌 Lunar Festival Street

  予我空欢 Give me air to love

  触碰不到的你 You can't touch

  时光衬人 Time contrast person

  Wake up from the people 梦醒人离

  Everything just for you 一切只为你


  Quiet time 寂静流年

  情话如初 Love again

  Dream traveler 梦旅人

  Not young 不再年少

  Drink alone 独饮伤悲

  时光挽歌 Time Requiem

  回忆带刺 With memories

  缘浅° Marginal degree

  Make me like 许我长欢

  Lonely tears 寂寞眼泪

  Leave and roll 离与挽

  抵不过回忆 But memories

  岁月上 Years

  (挽歌) Dirge.

  酒烈° Wine strong

  余生 Yu Sheng

  生世愁 Life sorrow

  诀别 Bid farewell

  失之我命丶 I lost my life.

  许我长欢 Make me like

  眉间褶皱 Glabellum wrinkle

  盼郎归 I hope Lang return

  我再等你归 I'll wait for you..


  予你挚终 To your final.

  清歌孤我.Oh my solitary.

  不如孤独 Not as lonely

  Send you love 寄你情伴

  荒诞温情 Absurd warmth

  醉心微笑 With a smile

  偏爱情歌 Love love songs

  No one can pull.无人可挽.

  情话烫心 Love hot heart

  Drink the wind 饮过风声

  Go to a stray 赴一场流浪

  Drunk when song 醉酒当歌

  Disappointed guest 惆怅客

  The noisy heart 喧闹的心

  long time no see 好久不见

  谁为情种 Who is the lover

  Longer than wine 比酒长情

  执着梦想 Persistent dream

  Dust in the wind 风中尘埃

  Not into your heart不入你心

  清孤冷话 Qing Gu cold words

  酒话醉人 Intoxicating wine

  Time to passers-by 时光路人

  And your long love 与你长情

  一纸离歌 A paper from the song
