




  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


  ( )1. A. Okay B. Look out!

  ( )2.A. On December .12th B. Twice a week

  ( )3.A. Yes, I like. B. Pizza, please.

  ( )4. Yes, please. B. I'm glad to hear that.

  ( )5. A. Sorry. B. You're welcome.


  I to the department store with Danny. We Christmas gifts. Then Danny saw .We to Santa. Danny said he wanted a new ! Santa laughed.



  1.b sk ball 2.sh ts 3.b nes 4.b ch 5.s d

  沙 骨骼 海滩 篮球 短裤




  Will goWill swimWill teach


  ( )1.What is it? -it's five o'clock.

  A. colour B. time C. would D. fun

  ( )2. Look the little dog. He is so lovely.

  A. at B. in C. on D. throw

  ( )3. is it? It is a blackboard.

  A.What B. Where C. when D. How

  ( )4. books do you have? I have four books in my hand.

  A. what B. Where C. When D. How

  ( )5. do you leave for Shijiazhuang. -This Monday.

  A. What B. When C. How many D. How much


  1.You, dumpling ,do ,like

  2.at, Tian'anmen square, is Li Ming, this

  3.is, the, today, how, weather


  1.A.What day is it today?

  B. It's .

  2.A. ?

  B. I'd like some bread.

  A. Would you like some juice?

  B. .

  3. A. Can I have a T-shirt?

  B. Ok. Here .


  Running star Katrina Pedrosa eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas, and apples. For lunch, she likes hamburgers, salad, and oranges, And for dinner, she has chicken, tomatoes, French fries and for dessert, ice cream.

  ( )1.For breakfast Katrina eats .

  A. eggs and milk B. eggs and bananas, apples

  C. apples and milk D. milk and bananas

  ( )2.Does she like hamburgers?

  A.No, she doesn't. B. Yes, she does.

  C. No, she isn't. D. Yes, she is.

  ( )3.What does she eat after dinner?

  A.Some fruit. B. Ice cream

  B.Some juice. D. Salad

  ( )4.Does Katrina Pedrosa eat breakfast?

  A. Yes. B. No. C. Sometimes D. never

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