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  七年级上册This is my sister 教学案例





  This is my sister.



  ⑴New words: mother,father,parents,grandmother,grandfather,grandparents,sister,friend.

  ⑵New sentence:This/That is ...

  Those/These are ...


  Use the words learned to introduce your family and friend.

  Use the sentence to get the information of your family.


  Know your family and love your family.


  Key points:⑴Name of family members,such as,mother,father,grandmother...

  ⑵Using these words to introduce your family.

  ⑶The use of these sentence:This is... That is...

  These are... Those are...

  Difficult points:Learn to distinguish singular and plural.




  Task-based teaching method





  Ask students, “What is the meaning of word ‘family’ and Do you know the meaning of each letter in the word.” The show them ‘Father and mother,I love you!’ on the screen. The first letter of each word consist of “family”!


  ⑴show some pictures and ask students who are they. Repeat each new word two times.

  ⑵Raise a question: how to introduce family members, then show them the new structure ‘This is my...’, guide them to use the structure to introduce his/her family number, next practice new structure with more pictures.

  ⑶When students is practicing the sentence, I’ll introduce another structure ‘These are my...’ for introducing figure more than one.And tell them to pay attention to ‘s’ in the word like ‘parents’. Using more cotton figures and let students introduce their family member.

  ⑷Showing some figures in a popular TV series to appeal to students’ attention,then, introduce a new structure ‘That is my...’,and tell them if the people you want to introduce is not near you,they could use this structure. Similarly, introduce structure ‘Those are my...’. More picture to practice.

  (5)Playing a number game to review the lesson unit2 and let students get relax.


  ⑴Language goal : Introduce your family or your friends.

  Display these structure: This is my / his / her…… 这是….

  These are my / his / her………这些是......

  That is my / his / her……. 那是…..

  Those are my / his / her ……….那些是.......

  ⑵Review the new sentence learned this class and ask them don’t watch the screen.

  Step4:Do an exercise(3minites)


  1. my, is, Bill, This, friend, (.)


  2. parents, these, your, Are, (?)


  3. day, a, good, Have, (!)


  4. are, grandparents, Those, his, (.)


  5. is, she, Who, (?)



  Unit3 This is my sister.

  Key words:


  New sentences:This/That is ...

  Those/These are ...

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七年级上册This is my sister 教学案例由小学生作文网(www.zzxu.cn)收集整理,转载请注明出处!原文地址http://www.zzxu.cn/jiaoan/461085.html
