



  With the light of the candle, a Jew was singing in a low singing song...

  One day in September 1939, as usual, the ordinary can not be ordinary again. But that day, Germany launched the Blitzkrieg, launched the "white" blitz of Poland, the German armed forces defeated Poland in two weeks. As a result, the Jews who were not in their own country were ordered to move to the big cities. Every day, more than 10000 Jews arrived in Krakow from the countryside. The Jews at that time, like being dominated, were driven, dominated, and finally, homeless in the war...


  In history book, I have noticed this movie. I saw the name of Germany and the movie. At first, I thought I was talking about the story of Hitler. But when I really saw this movie, I was shocked by Spielberg. He depicts people in the war, confused by money, and blinded by utility. In the black and white movies, girl in red skirt who is bright.


  I have not yet understood why the Germans at that time were so repelled to the Jews, perhaps for money and rights. But I think this is the loss of human nature and morality. When I look at the shivering woman hiding in the corner, the children's crying eyes hidden in the cupboard, like the shooting of the death dance, every scene is grim. Our hero, Schindler saw this scene, see the red girl (the girl covered with confusion to escape the eyes, full of fear of war) completely wake up. Even though he has more money and more power, it is still a time of peace. From the whole film, the contrast between Schindler and the later is made by contrast. At the same time, the image of Schindler was put out by the image of Amon.He just for enjoys the rights.


  In the whole movie, I've been interested in that girl in red. In the second half of the film, the girl's body was rotting and waiting for the fire. She could not escape the robbery, the red dress particularly garish, the last hint of innocence was denied.



  All in all, this war movie is different from others. It taught us what peace is, and also taught us the value of life. In the end, Schindler finally realized that saving one more is to save the world. "I could have saved more people." This film shows the cruelty of the war, the evil of the Nazi Party and the distortion of human nature. At the same time, we celebrate the true human nature that is not yet vanishing.

  Schindler's "list" has been left, and his grave is always in the hearts of people, praising great human nature.




  I think Schindler is a good person, because he really does something meaningful to society. 1200 people have been saved, and they want to save more people and help them out of the war. This contrasted with the Nazi officers. The appearance was graceful, but the heart was very ugly and distorted. It looked like an individual, but there was a great difference between what he did and what he looked like. When he abandoned the moment of money, he reaped eternity. To save the life is to save the whole world. He always said he did not do much, but I know he did his best. I think the war is painful and cruel, for the dead Jews, they are innocent, just because of war.

生命的证明辛德勒名单观后感相关热词搜索:辛德勒 观后感 名单

1、乌塔 观后感在前几天,我们学习了一篇课文,篇名叫《乌塔》。文中一个14岁的小姑娘让我佩服得五体投地,也让我对中国的家庭教育有了全新的认识,并产生了一些担忧。《乌塔》观后感 400字

2、观后感 小学 《鲁滨逊漂流记》学完《一本男孩子必读的书》后,它就吸引着我去领略这本男孩子必读的书的风光,它就是《鲁滨逊漂流记》。从这本书中,我学到了大无畏的乐观小学观后感:《鲁滨逊漂流记》

3、观后感 单车它给我们带来不仅仅是震撼,仿佛昨日,十七岁,原来有人这样走过十七岁。一部关于青年人的影片,也属于我们青年人的影片。它为我们展示了我们青年人身上却经常被我们忽略十七岁的单车观后感

4、垂直极限观后感 这是一部我比较喜欢的电影,排除所谓专业登山的批评和指责之外,这部电影有许多值得人深思的地方。这也是我经常想我的学生推荐这部电影的原因。三天前的晚上我又陪了高中作文:电影垂直极限观后感



7、观后感 作文 地球《地球上的星星》这部电影的男主角是八岁的小男孩伊桑,一个充满了奇思妙想的男孩。在他眼睛里,世界神秘可爱、充满色彩,他喜欢天空、白云、飞鸟、河流、小鱼,甚至中学作文:地球上的星星观后感

8、观后感 作文 地球看了电影《地球上的星星》让我触动颇大:触动一:伊桑的学习成绩在学校一直处于最差的状态,因此受到老师、父母的责骂、歧视,以至于为了逃避非难而让哥哥写假小学作文:地球上的星星观后感

9、观后感 作文 地球已经很久没有看电影了,记忆里面,只有那么几部经典之作能够提的起我挑剔的趣味,看到电影的名字,顿时还没有明白电影的内容,不过,这真的是一部很经典,很感动,会观后感作文:地球上的星星观后感


11、观后感 雷雨 作文《雷雨》讲述的是周鲁两家两代人之间的矛盾,一切矛盾发生的罪魁祸首还是周朴园。周朴园虚伪恶毒,城府很深。渐渐地他的大儿子周萍也学到了他的“伪”。唯有他的小儿《雷雨》观后感作文【2篇】

12、观后感 小鸟 国王有同龄人说没看过《国王与小鸟》,我简直不能容忍,就像听说本地人不认识路。80年代的黑白电视时代,多少人曾对国王与小鸟,和另外一部《国王与小鸟》观后感
