
下面是五度学习网www.wudu001.com分享的名人故事|肖恩·康纳利。供大家参考! 名人故事|肖恩·康纳利

  1 Sean Connery

  1 肖恩·康纳利

  “My name is Bond — James Bond,” Sean Connery informed the world’s movie-goers in 1962. In seven Bond films over a span of 20 years, the tall, dark Scot come to embody the suave secret agent whose code name was known around the globe: 007.


  But it didn’t go very smooth to be a successful star. The exception was Robert Henderson, a 47-year-old Yank who was directing South Pacific. One day, Henderson had a long talk with the muscle man whose determination seemed irrepressible. Connery told Henderson he hoped to become a professional soccer player.

  然而要成为成功的明星并非易事。多亏了罗伯特·亨德森,一位正执导《南太平洋》的47岁的美国人。一天,亨德森与健壮的康纳利进行了促膝长谈,康纳利似乎已打定主意。他告诉亨德森他想当职业足球运动员。“Well look,” said Henderson. “With soccer, at 28 or 30. It's all over. Then what do you do? Wouldn't you rather be an actor?” “How?” said Connery, “I left school at 13.”


  Henderson nodded. “You’ve practically no education. But you have an imagination and a mind. I will give you a list of ten books that you should read.”


  The “ten” books that Henderson had mentioned were more like 200, including the complete works of Shakespeare, Thomas Wolfe and Oscar Wilde. But Connery tackled them — every day, applying all the energy and tenacity he got from his parents. He would go to the library in the morning and stay till certain time.


  In 1957,BBC produced Rod Serling’s play Requiem for a heavy-weight. The down-and-out prize-fighter, Mountain McClintock, was played by a young actor who had boxed in the Royal Navy. His name — Sean Connery.

  1957年,英国广播公司制作了罗德·赛林的剧目 《重量级拳击手的弥撒》。片中那位一敗涂地的职业拳击手蒙顿·麦克林托克,由一名曾在皇家海军打过拳的年轻演员饰演。他叫——肖恩·康纳利。

  By then Connery had appeared in five forgettable films - but in one of them, he caught the eye of Walt Disney, who brought him to the United States in 1958. Disney cast him as Michael McBride, the love interest in a story about leprechauns called Darby O’Gil and the Little People. In the film’s climax, McBride has a rousing fistfight with the village bully.

  那时候,康纳利已出演过五部不起眼儿的影片—— 但在其中一部中,他引起了沃尔特·迪斯尼的注意, 1958年迪斯尼把他带到了美国。迪斯尼叫他扮演麦克尔·麦布赖德,一个在名为《达比·奥吉尔与小人国》 的深受欢迎的矮妖精故事中的角色。影片的高潮中,麦布赖德与村里的暴徒展开了惊心动魄的拳斗。

  Among those who took note of Connery’s screen presence in Darby was producer Harry Saltzman who, with co-producer Albert, was casting a film of their own based on Dr. No, the 1985 novel by Lan Fleming.


  Connery was called to the producers’ London office for an interview. “We watched him bound across the street like Superman,” said Saltzman later. “We knew we had our Bond.”


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